-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Release-History for the CS-3D-Software - Chromasens 3D Viewer - Chromasens 3D Api - Last changes: 2024 February 21, Dhanraj, Eckhard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We welcome any suggestions, questions, bug reports: support@chromasens.de Version 3.2.0 Api: - Speed optimization done for Block Matching - Bug fixes - Support for HALCON 22.11 and 23.11 are added - Requirement of licensing dongle to authenticate 3D-API usage is removed Version 3.1.6 Api: - Bug Fixes in using 3DApi-Mask feature. - Support for HALCON 21.05, 21.11, 22.05 are added. Version 3.1 ------------------ Api: - The verify and adjust calibration functions are now more accurate and allow more control - A new input image check and correction functionality was introduced for dual cameras. It is especially usefull for example to detect de-sync between images or if the calibration file matches the input data. Please refer to the documentation for more information. - Support for Halcon 20.05 has been added. - Bug fixing Viewer: - Bug fixing Version 3.0 ------------------ Api: - This version introduces a new matching algorithm - Semi-Global Matching (SGM). For more information on how to use it please refer to the "Technical-note_CS-3D-API Semi-Global Matching_R2" document in the docs folder of your CS-3D software installation. It is possible to select SGM in configuration as alternative to the Block Matching algorithm. Notes on compatibility: ====================== Please note that the SGM algorithm currently supports only a subset of the possible configuration parameters compared to the block matching method, below is a list of features that do generally not apply to SGM or are not supported yet: - Image masking (not yet supported) - Confidence map output type (does not apply to SGM) - Configuration options specific to BM that don't apply to SGM: - Window size - Left/Right consistency - Minimum contrast - Height range resolution reduction - New configuration parameters for use with SGM have been added. - Support for Halcon 19.11 has been added Viewer: - Add parameter configuration of SGM method - Allow to define absolute color range for pseudo color map - Provide height comparison between two selected areas - Provide applying free-form mask images for 3D calculation - Save/load 3D data package and export point cloud considering self-defined ROI Version 2.5a ------------------ Api: - Added new ROI calculation method, in which the calculation is done only for pixels under provided input image mask. - This release of CS-3D-Api contains support for Linux. The currently offially supported distribution is Ubuntu 16.04. - A new extension for HALCON 18.11 Progress was added Viewer: - Added second rectified image to the result image tabs - Improved disparity wizard - Added a performance measurement tool Version 2.4c: -------------- fix issue of HALCON path after installation fix issue of windows service for license server Version 2.4b: -------------- Api: - fix multi-GPUs issue Viewer: - fix error message in offline mode - fix error in applying changes in calculation options window Version 2.4a: -------------- Api: - CentralView is now out of beta state - Added plane based input and output image channel order - Allow configuration changes without re-initialization for some calculation parameters (check the CS-3D-Api documentation for more information) - Sample images were moved to the Windows public user 'Documents' folder - Bug-fixes Viewer: - Added the possibility to save and load the calculated 3D package in compressed format (*.ccs3d) - Added the possibiity to change addtional configuration parameters in viewer - show factory calibration date - fixed crash issue (by loading a wrong calibration, or heightmap is disabled) Version 2.3e: -------------- Api: - Bug-fixes Viewer: - Bug-fixes HALCON: - rectImageCoordsTo3D Version 2.3d: -------------- Api: - Bug-fixes - Improved CentralView BETA feature Viewer: - Bug-fixes - Improved execution of time consuming operations - Improved GUI - Update functionality Version 2.3c: -------------- Api: - Bug-fixes HALCON: - rawImageCoordsToRectCoords REMARK: This is the last version that supports version 1 camera calibrations. Future versions will require camera calibrations version 2.0 or newer for any feature. Version 2.3b: -------------- Viewer: - Bug-fixes Api: - Bug-fixes - rawImageCoordsToRectCoords LabVIEW: - Bug-fixes REMARK: This is the last version that supports version 1 camera calibrations. Future versions will require camera calibrations version 2.0 or newer for any feature. Version 2.3a: -------------- Viewer: - Bug-fixes - Display license information Api: - Bug-fixes - Second rectified image - Option to reduce height resolution to increase calculation speed LabVIEW: - Added dispToMm, mmToDisp and grayToMm functions to LabVIEW toolkit REMARK: This is the last version that supports version 1 camera calibrations. Future versions will require camera calibrations version 2.0 or newer for any feature. Version 2.3: -------------- Viewer: - Configuration / Calibration from camera can be access via the viewer - Confidence Map - Verification of calibration - System information report - Export to STL format - Export to VRML format Api: - Confidence map - High quality rectified image - HALCON 13 support - Bug-fixes - Beta-state: central view REMARK: This is the last version that supports version 1 camera calibrations. Future versions will require camera calibrations version 2.0 or newer for any feature. Version 2.2a: -------------- - Fixed ROI functionality with GTX 1080 Version 2.2: -------------- Viewer: - Option to fix the height range to the high accuracy range - Support of point-clouds with more than 2.1 GB of point-data - Improved error description Api: - Support of point-clouds with more than 2.1 GB of point-data - Verification of calibration - For each error number there is an error description available now via the "errorToString" function - Configuration files can now be loaded from / saved to camera - Bug-fixes HALCON: - ROI-function is now available for the HALCON extension REMARK: Version 2.3 and following will need GPUs that support CUDA 3.0 or greater, means e.g. GTX 480 and GTX 580 are not supported anymore REMARK2: On Windows 10 the use of the ROI functionality is currently limited. Version 2.1: -------------- Viewer: - Height range can now be selected in px or in mm - Camera type is displayed for new cameras - Transport direction is now adjustable for cameras with V2 calibration - Timeout for calculation adjustable - Support for 32 bit images - Boundary checks for newer cameras for an easier adjustment of the height range - Images saved as .png to save disk space Api: - Transport direction is now adjustable for cameras with V2 calibration - rawImageCoordsTo3D function for a manual point pair to 3D point conversion - Estimation of CPU/GPU memory usage with getApiMemoryInformation - Boundary checks for newer cameras for an easier adjustment of the height range - Option to have multiple licenses on a single dongle - Bug-fixes HALCON: - multi-threaded example for HALCON 12 - disparit_start/disparity_end renamed to height_rang_start_in px/height_range_end_in_px Version 2.0: -------------- General: - The "disparity image" has been renamed to "height map" for better understanding. The values of the height map keep the same. Viewer: - New infobox at the lower left corner with a lot of extra information. - Adjustable outlier removal for pseudo-color view - Zoom functionality for raw-images - Easier loading of configuration file via "File->Load config" - Scrollbars to move the zoomed ROI over the image. - The png format is accepted for raw images - ROIs are kept if a re-calculation is done with different settings Api: - C# wrapper now has full API functionality - Extension for HALCON 12 - get_ / set_parameter operator for HALCON - Added C++ example for performance measurement - New functions dispToMm, mmToDisp to convert between height range start/end search position (dStart/dEnd) and the distance to the camera in mm. - New 21x21 correlation window - Access to calibration parameter changed: serialnumber, resolutionX, resolutionY, offsetImageA, offsetImageB are now direct accessable via the config-object. The other calibration data is not accessable anymore. Version 1.07: -------------- Viewer: - Accelerated 3D visualization - Average of ROI to camera - Relative height difference of point to ROI - Better display of zoomed disparity and rectified images - Easier access to manuals Api: - dispToMm is renamed to gray2Mm to avoid mistakes - HALCON support for gray2Mm conversion ... Version 1.06: -------------- Viewer: - Scale on X, Y and Z axis - Pseudocolor map on 3D-model Api: - ROI support - Integrated smoothing functions Version 1.05: -------------- Viewer: - Support for the new Api functions Api: - Support of single channel / gray images as input images - Support for using only a single channel of the input image for the calculation - 8-bit disparity image - Extension for HALCON 11 (including example) Version 1.04b: -------------- Viewer: - Better resizing mechanism Api: - Smaller changes/fixes Version 1.04: ------------- Viewer: - Point-cloud view - Setting to paint the noValue points of the disparity image red - Export P3D points as CSV Api: - Demo mode - Sanity check of calibration - More detailed errormessages on memory allocation errors Version 1.03: ------------- Viewer: - NEW: A Disparity Wizard is available to find the right disparity range much faster - Keep Zoom-ROI, if calculated with new parameters - 3D-Viewer auto adjust the view if zoom-ROI is changed - Save settings as default is now possible - An additional pseudocolor representation is available. - Changed the control of the 3D-View to: * Rotating with left mouse button * panning with middle mouse button * and zooming with the right mouse button or with the wheel - Reset of the 3D-View now with the 'r'-key to avoid accidentally resetting the 3D-View by pressing the mouse wheel while zooming - New spread function for the 3d-View with SHIFT+mouse wheel Api: - Minor changes Version 1.02: ------------- Viewer: - Automatic downscale of the texture for display. - More intuitive control of 3D-Model rotation. Api: - Height of source image now only restricted by RAM of PC/GPU Version 1.01: ------------- Viewer: - Changes in the display of the pseudo-color overlay. The highest value is not longer black but dark red. Points that don't hold valid information are now black. - Improvements for better import/export of precalculated data. Api: - Added additional checks to various API-funtions to ensure the right execution order - The errorcodes are now available as enum errorType and moved from cs3derrno.h to globals.h Version 1.0: ------------ First release of the CS-3D-Api