Bisherige Veröffentlichungen
- Bernhard Frei (2019). Aspekte beim Design spektraler Kameraempfindlichkeitskurven. Conference Paper, Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung
- Dierl, M., Eckhard, T., Frei, B., Klammer, M., Eichstädt, S., & Elster, C. (2018). Novel accuracy test for multispectral imaging systems based on ΔE measurements. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 14(1), 1.
- Klammer, M. (2018). Methoden zur Qualifizierung von CCD-Zeilenkameras als Messgerät für die Farb-und 3D-Messung. (Doctoral dissertation, Technische Universität).
- Eckhard, T., & Schnitzlein, M. (2016). Height adaptive shading correction for line-scan stereo imaging based multi-spectral reflectance measurements. In Forum Bildverarbeitung 2016 (Vol. 84, No. 7-8, p. 197). KIT Scientific Publishing.
- Eckhard, T. M. (2016). Design considerations for line-scan multi-spectral imaging systems.
- Dierl, M., Eckhard, T., Frei, B., Klammer, M., Eichstädt, S., & Elster, C. (2016). Improved estimation of reflectance spectra by utilizing prior knowledge. JOSA A, 33(7), 1370-1376.
- Eckhard, T., & Schnitzlein, M. (2016). Height adaptive shading correction for line-scan stereo imaging based multi-spectral reflectance measurements. In Forum Bildverarbeitung 2016 (Vol. 84, No. 7-8, p. 197). KIT Scientific Publishing.
- Bernhard Frei (2014). Farbprofilierung bei Inline-Scannern in der Druckindustrie. Conference Paper, 19. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung
- Frei, B., & Schnitzlein, M. (2014). Farbprofilierung bei Inline-Scannern in der Druckindustrie.
- Valero, E. M., Hu, Y., Hernández‐Andrés, J., Eckhard, T., Nieves, J. L., Romero, J., ... & Nowack, D. (2014). Comparative performance analysis of spectral estimation algorithms and computational optimization of a multispectral imaging system for print inspection. Color Research & Application, 39(1), 16-27.
- Eckhard, T., Valero, E. M., Hernández-Andrés, J., & Schnitzlein, M. (2014). Adaptive global training set selection for spectral estimation of printed inks using reflectance modeling. Applied optics, 53(4), 709-719.
- Eckhard, T., Valero, E. M., Hernández-Andrés, J., & Schnitzlein, M. (2014). Adaptive global training set selection for spectral estimation of printed inks using reflectance modeling. Applied optics, 53(4), 709-719.
- Eckhard, T., Klammer, M., Valero, E. M., & Hernández-Andrés, J. (2014). Improved spectral density measurement from estimated reflectance data with kernel ridge regression. In International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (pp. 79-86). Springer, Cham.
- Ilchev, T., Lilienblum, E., Joedicke, B., Michaelis, B., & Schnitzlein, M. (2012). A Stereo Line Sensor System to High Speed Capturing of Surfaces in Color and 3D Shape. In GRAPP/IVAPP (pp. 809-812).
- Battrawy, R., Schnitzlein, M., Nowack, D., Krell, G., & Al-Hamadi, A. (2012). Sharpness improvement of warped document images for top view book scanners. In 2012 Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems (pp. 818-824). IEEE.
- Bernhard Frei, Markus Schnitzlein (2012). Verifikation von Farbprofilierungen. Conference Paper,18. Farbworkshop
- Eckhard, T., Valero, E. M., & Hernández-Andrés, J. (2012). A comparative analysis of spectral estimation approaches applied to print inspection. In Proceedings of the Annual German Colour Group Meeting (pp. 13-24).
- Hu, Y., Hernández-Andrés, J., Nieves, J. L., Valero, E. M., Romero, J., Schnitzlein, M., & Nowack, D. (2011). Evaluation and optimization of spectral estimation algorithms for printer inks. In Proceedings of the AIC 2011 Interim Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland: AIC (pp. 422-426).
- Frei, B., Prayagi, P., Schnitzlein, M., KAUR, M., & MESSMER, M. (2011). Spektrale Schätzung in Inline-Bildinspektionssystemen mittels 6-12 kanaliger CCD-Zeilensensoren. Tagungsband der Beiträge zum 16. Farbworkshop, 28-39.
- Eckhard, T., & Valero, E. M. (2011). Task-specific color space selection for image segmentation. In 17. In Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung (editor M. Schnitzlein, Chromasens GmbH) (pp. 51-60).
- Calow, R., Ilchev, T., Lilienblum, E., Schnitzlein, M., & Michaelis, B. (2010). Schnelles Zeilensensorsystem zur gleichzeitigen Erfassung von Farbe und 3D-Form. In Forum Bildverarbeitung (pp. 181-192). KIT Scientific Publishing.
- Schnitzlein, M., & Frei, B. (2005). Spektral modellierbare Lichtquelle zur Erzeugung beliebiger Spektren durch Einsatz eines “Digital Mirror Device”. In Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005 (pp. 395-399). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Frei, B., Hund, M., & Schnitzlein, M. (2004). Neighbourhood related color segmentation based on a fuzzy color classification tool. In Reading and Learning (pp. 26-36). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.