Multi-Channel Flash Feature
The allPIXA pro, allPIXA wave and allPIXA evo camera can be used to trigger up to four different flash controller channels synchronized to its line acquisition. This can be used to acquire several images with different illumination geometries and/or colors (white, red, green, UV, IR) simultaneously in only one scan by line-multiplexing.
Intensity optimized bright field and coaxial line light source for challenging applications
The Application Report discusses different illumination approaches for inspecting reflective surfaces, highlighting the challenges of achieving both homogeneous lighting and efficient imaging. specifically in connector pin inspection. The standard brightfield illumination principle relies on the law of reflection, but it can result in blurry images. A diffuser is commonly used to achieve uniform lighting, but it reduces efficiency.
Semiconductor wafer inspection using allPIXA wave and allPIXA evo
Capturing yield limiting defects is crucial for semiconductor wafer devices yield. Here we describe how semiconductor wafer manufacturing can take advantage of its ultra-high resolution 15,360 pixels and rich features to advantage of in-line inspection systems allPIXA wave Trilinear color and mono TDI line scan camera.
Synchronizing modes of allPIXA classic, pro and wave
The white paper gives a general overview as well as to function as a reference for all tasks related to synchronizing allPIXA classic, allPIXA pro and allPIXA wave cameras.
CS-3D-Api | Semi-global matching
CS-3D-Api now has a GPU implementation of an alternative 3D reconstruction method to the existing block-matching (BM) approach. The approach is based on the semi-global matching (SGM) algorithm, which is very accurate at object borders, fine structures and in weakly textured terrain. It combines concepts of global and local stereo methods for accurate, pixel-wise matching at low runtime.
3DPIXA: Limitations of block-matching algorithms on depth reconstruction
This white paper gives a comprehensive overview on the limitations of the block-matching approach in height reconstruction for passive stereoscopy. It describes a variety of different artefacts that appear at certain image features. The occurrence of the artefacts is explained by means of the algorithms underlying mathematical model which is introduced in the first chapter. Images captured with a 3DPIXA exemplify the visual appearance.
Spectral sensitivity curves of cameras
When designing spectral camera sensitivity curves for multi-channel cameras, various aspects have to be considered. In addition to the feasibility of the found function, these are the saturation behavior and the signal-to-noise ratio under the assumed lighting conditions. This article focuses on the colorimetric re-production properties of the filter functions. The R-Matrix theory propagated by the color scientist Jozef Cohen is used as an instrument of investigation.
Image warping caused by heat-induced turbulence
The cause for warping in images captured with line scan cameras due to heat induced turbulence is explained and a method for measuring the magnitude of the distortion is described.
Application specific color calibration with truePIXA
The aim of this work is to illustrate the dependence of measurement performance of multi-spectral imaging systems on the type of color calibration used. For application-specific color calibration, high performance can be achieved. If a non-adequate color calibration is used, the measurement performance might drop considerably. These effects are demonstrated empirically by means of textile and paper measurement applications. The underlying theory for the measurement performance drop is explained briefly.
Inspection of bulk material with allPIXA wave and prism camera
The aim of this work is to compare the trilinear line-scan camera allPIXA wave with a prism based camera with respect to bulk material inspection. Traditionally, prism-based cameras are often selected over trilinear cameras when it comes to bulk material scanning, as the inherent line-shift of a trilinear camera can only be corrected for when the object scan velocity is known. We demonstrate that this traditional approach is not always necessary if the right trilinear sensor is selected and operated in binning mode to average multiple pixels.